The message of Jesus Christ’s teachings are integrated throughout all the subject areas. Students learn about prayers such as the Sign of Cross and Our Father, God’s Creation, Sacraments, traditions of the Catholic Church, and the values of Faith, Hope, and Love. Students also participate in community service programs sponsored by the school as they follow in Jesus’ footsteps.
Students learn skills in a structured, sequential way and learn to read from controlled readers that contain phonetically controlled decodable fiction and nonfiction texts. Emphasis is on blending, decoding, accuracy and fluency, story elements and comprehension. Student will also identify the lesson or central message of a story as well as compare and contrast texts.
Through the use of our Writing Skills Program, students develop expository-writing skills. Children are given direct, explicit, systematic instruction to form sentences and short paragraph writing. Students are taught how to organize their thoughts through the writing process, in order to become effective writers.
Topics studied include: Number Sense, Geometry, Money, Time, Fractions, Data, Place Value as well as Addition and Subtraction within numbers 0-120. In addition, students will learn a variety of strategies to assist in word problem solving.
Students learn that scientists ask questions to learn about the world while performing experiments and engaging in the Scientific Method. Units of study include: Living and Nonliving Things, The Sun and Earth (daytime and nighttime and the seasons), Matter and Energy - different was objects can move. Students will also learn about Animal and Plant life cycles and adaptation in the Habitat Unit.
Students are exposed to the following topics: Good Citizens – including right and responsibilities, Geography and Map Skills —including forms of land and water on Earth, Economics—needs, wants, goods, services, consumers, and producers, and Our Government and national symbols. In addition, students in the first grade learn about Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt as well as American Independence.