Dear Parents/Guardians,
The New York State Education Law requires elementary and secondary health education programs in public and private schools to include instruction in mental health. Our belief is that student’s learning and social and emotional development are dependent on their being mentally healthy. The World Health Organization defines mental health as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes their potential and can cope with normal life stresses. Specifically, the law requires that school health programs embrace a multi- dimensional view of health and thus instruct students in both physical health and mental health.
Learning healthy social skills and the ability to recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health issues are among the desired outcome to be achieved. With the Advancement of “Mental Health Literacy” it is believed the stigma attached to mental health problems will decrease and the ability to seek help throughout the life cycle will increase.
Did you know?
This is compelling evidence for the inclusion of mental health instruction within schools. Efforts to care for the emotional well-being of children and youth can extend beyond the classroom and into the entire school. Our mental health curriculum program will focus on promoting mental wellness, preventing mental health problems, and providing treatment.
The Mental Health Curriculum objectives include:
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